Help DOOMbrothers take over the world and get a FREE bumper sticker! Yes, kids, be the first in your neighborhood to get the very cool, life changing DOOMbrothers bumper sticker shown below!!

All you have to do is send the URL for the DOOMbrothers blog on to ten of your friends who have equally warped senses of humor and we’ll send you ABSOLUTELY FREE a zirconium encrusted DOOMbrothers bumper sticker which shows an ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPH of the DOOMbrothers in action saving humanity from the perils of the Universe.
How do you get your free bumper sticker? Easy. Just send your snail mail address to our email address and your bumper sticker will arrive by the magic of US mail a few days later!
Q? How will you know if I actually sent your URL on to ten of my friends?
A. DOOMbrothers has connections. His name is Vinnie and he knows where you live. You sent us your address remember?? Actually we don’t have a friend named Vinnie. Hell, we’re not even that well connected. But we do believe in guilt. And the synchronistic attraction of bad karma. So if you don’t send our URL on to ten of your friends really bad things will happen to you. Like maybe an asteroid will hit the earth and it would be all your fault. You wouldn’t want to be responsible for the end of civilization as we know it would you?? So do the right thing, save humanity and pass on the word of DOOMbrothers and our attempts to educate the world of the hazards of living.
Q? What if I don’t have ten friends?
A. Actually DOOMbrothers don’t have ten friends either. We live in a radiation proof bunker at an undisclosed location somewhere in the minor outlying territories. So what the hell, we’ll send you a bumper sticker even if you send this on to five friends. Or we’ll send you a bunch if you promise to paste them on the windows at Wahoo’s Fish Taco and your company bulletin board. Or here’s an idea: paste it on your kid’s forehead for “show and tell” at school. Wait, no that’s probably a bad idea. Imagine if children knew how terrifying the world really is. Best to let them have their merry childhoods and let the professionals at DOOMbrothers do the worrying for them
In any case click here to send us that e-mail saying you have passed the word of DOOMbrothers on to your friends and Homeland Security.